Xiaolin Showdown Porn Story: What the Past Present and Future May Hold Chapter 6

Xiaolin Showdown Porn Story: What the Past Present and Future May Hold Chapter 6

with an ice pack on his head says, VampireKisses13 Does not own

pats Omi head where it doesnt hurt. Very good Omi but you
forgot the last part.

sighs, she is also very pretty. VampireKisses13 hugs Omi
tightly Aw youre sssooo cute when you say that!

enjoy and review!


dawn came to the temple the Xiaolin Dragons awoke from their pleasant
dreams and were inside the great (yes i have no idea what they call
the place were they keep the scrolls so Im calling it the great
scroll room!) scroll room trying to find out where Kimiko may have
gone too.

it! Nothing in this one too! An angry Raimundo threw another
scroll across the room it had been 2-hours and 500 scrolls later that
still nothing were found.

partner, will find something soon no need to get upset. said Clay
from the room with scrolls scarred around him as well. Clay put a
devilish smile on his looking at Rai from the bottom of his hat,
Besides once we find her, shell shower you in kisses. Rais
face went up in a HUGE blush.

can Raimundo bathe in Kimikos lips? Omis asked as he popped
up out of a bunch of scrolls next to Clay.

a expression Omi, what Im sayn is that when we find Little Miss
Kimiko shell be so happy to see us, well mostly Rai, that shes
going to be kissing him a lot, and if she doesnt maybe Rai could
grow some balls and kiss her. Clay laughed but stopped when a
large scroll hit him in the head.

you lay off me liking Kimiko!? I told you that in confidents!
Rais face was still red but his time in anger.

you didnt have to tell me! I already knew! Shoot everybody knows
it even Master Fung! Clay laughed even harder this time. Rai was
about to through another large scroll at him but the appearance of
Master Fung in the doorway, with a scroll in his hands and little
Dojo on his shoulder.

have something for you monks to do that will aid youre search.


took a short bath and change into a nightgown that was in the closet,
she laid on the mat in the middle of the room. It was comfier then
the one she had back at the temple, but she did very much miss a bed.

was very tried but her mind wouldnt shut up about how she needed a
plan till the boys got here. Suddenly the siding door to the room,
Kims back was facing the door the poorly lit hallway didnt make
out a very good shadow for Kim to guess who it was.

entered the room and the shadow grew smaller, Kim quickly closed her
eyes to pretend she was asleep but her body was at full alert incase
this shadow person attacked her. The figure sat next to Kimikos
mat making a small thud. Kim suddenly jumped when she felt a large
hand stroke her hair softly, it had gone on for sometime and Kimiko
didnt mind it, it reminded her of when she was little when she had
gotten upset or sick her mother would sit on her bed and stroke her
hair till she smiled or fell asleep. Then more footsteps were heard
Kim opened one eye to see another shadow in the doorway.

love please come back to bed we have so many things to plan for
tomorrow. Kim recognized the voice it was the queen in the doorway
so it must have be the king next to her. (Well duh to me.)

know you dont approve to this wedding either Yumi, but Im only
doing it so our family can be together for a long time. the king a
raised from his spot and walked to his wife, before he closed the
door he whispered. And to keep our daughter safe.

awhile Kim fell asleep in a dreamless slumber.

the boys. *

landed in front of the Toho Towers, the 3 boys on his back jumped off
and made their way to the door.

did Master Fung send us to see Mr. Toho? asked Omi as they entered
the elevator.

wanted us to give his letter thingy to him it must be about Kimiko.
Said Clay who showed Omi the scroll letter thingy in his hands.

well. The boys made their way to Mr. Tohos office door and
knocked slightly but loud enough for him to hear.

said the muffled voice f Mr. Toho, the boys walked in to see the
short video game tycoon sitting at his desk drinking what seemed like
tea. Oh The Xiaolin Monks what a pleasant surprise, what brings
you here? Where is Kimiko? Mr. Toho looked around to try and find
his daughter.

thats why were here Mr. Toho, Master Fung wanted us to bring this
to you. Raimundo took the scroll letter thingy form Clay and
handed it to the little rich man. Mr. Toho looked at it for a second
before un rolling it, it was a pretty bad time for him to take
another sip of his drink, because once he got a look at the scroll
letter thingy (we will find out what it is in a sec.) he choked n it
before splitting it out on to his desk.

did you get this? Mr. Toho asked with a sound of fear and worry in
his voice.


WHAT IS IT?! Guess you will have to wait till next time! Hope you
enjoyed it!!!!

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